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Study finds one fifth people in Britain satisfied with income in 2018


2019-03-07 13:22

LONDON, March 6 (Xinhua) -- One-fifth of People in Britain reported that they were very satisfied with their household income in 2018, higher than the number across the EUropean Union (EU), said a study released on Wednesday.

A new Office for National Statistics (ONS) survey has compared the levels of quality of life and People's well-being in Britain with those in the EU.

The study also found that almost one-in-six People, or 14.1 percent, in Britain struggle to make ends meet, less than the almost 22-percent average in the EU.

Statistics also revealed that in 2018, around 68 percent of People in Britain thought it was a good thing for citizens of EU states to have the right to work in Britain, higher than 57 percent in 2016, the year of the Brexit referendum, according to ONS.

Britain also had the highest proportion of People -- 44 percent -- who thought that their country would have a better future outside the EU. In Italy, the figure was 41 percent, while just 15 percent of People in Germany felt they would be better off out of the EU.