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Xinhua · 2019-03-23 19:44

Live-streaming a new way to promote Chin...

BEIJING, March 23 (Xinhua) -- Online live-streaming has helped attract more young people to Chinese traditional culture and created new forms of cultural performance, which is considered conducive to

CGTN · 2019-03-20 09:31

Why Facebook didn't block live New Zeala...

Why did Facebook air live video of the New Zealand mosque shooting for 17 minutes? Didn't anyone alert the company while it was happening? Facebook says no. According to its deputy general counsel, C

CGTN · 2019-03-18 16:31

Australia to probe broadcast of New Zeal...

Australia's media watchdog launched a formal investigation on Monday into the possible breach of rules by networks which broadcast or put online images from a live stream of the Christchurch mosque m

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