China's classic drama "Teahouse" adapted...
Teahouse, a masterpiece written by Chinese novelist and dramatist Lao She, has been adapted into an immersive, bilingual play and staged recently in New York City by the Princeton Chinese Theatre (P
APD NewsAPP, New stage!
China's classic drama "Teahouse" adapted...
Teahouse, a masterpiece written by Chinese novelist and dramatist Lao She, has been adapted into an immersive, bilingual play and staged recently in New York City by the Princeton Chinese Theatre (P
China's classic drama "Teahouse" adapted...
NEW YORK, March 27 (Xinhua) -- Teahouse, a masterpiece written by Chinese novelist and dramatist Lao She, has been adapted into an immersive, bilingual play and staged recently in New York City by th
Manchester United to play Bayern Munich ...
LONDON, March 14 (Xinhua) -- David Beckham will lead a Manchester United legend team to play their Bayern counterparts in a rematch of the 1999 Champions League final at Old Trafford on May 26. Membe
German villagers stop shaving in prepara...
BERLIN, March 6 (Xinhua) -- Nearly half of the residents in Oberammergau in Bavaria, Germany have stopped shaving their beards and cutting hair since Wednesday to prepare for the world-renowned Passi