Chinese opera Marco Polo to hit stage in...
"Marco Polo," an original Chinese opera based on the story of the famous Italian explorer, will be staged in the Teatro Carlo Felice in Genoa, Italy, in September. It will mark the opening of the the
APD NewsAPP, New stage!
Chinese opera Marco Polo to hit stage in...
"Marco Polo," an original Chinese opera based on the story of the famous Italian explorer, will be staged in the Teatro Carlo Felice in Genoa, Italy, in September. It will mark the opening of the the
Feature: "Face-changing" story of a Mala...
Suresh Subramaniam performs traditional Chinese Sichuan Opera face-changing in Kuala Lampur, capital of Malaysia, Feb. 15, 2019. (Xinhua/Chong Voon Chung) Festive seasons have always been a little