Reporter’s Diary: Optimism is Boao's biggest asset
Coconut trees, shiny beaches, and the world-famous Hainannese Chicken Rice (which I was told didn't even originate in Hainan, oh well...). Into the third DAY of my adventure at Boao, I still haven't experienced any of the three beautiful things above.
Interviews, lives, and stories have taken up the majority of my 24 hours here, but I am not complaining. As an Asian journalist, I am more than delighted to sit in those forums, listening to those big names' compliment Asian economies.
For instance, on the opening DAY, I was attending the official release of four flagship academic reports, specifically on economic integration, emerging markets, competitiveness, as well as infrastructure financing in Asia.
To be honest, it is nearly impossible for any non-economic graduates to understand all the terminology and graphics in those thick documents, but the message is more than clear: Bright economic prospects lie ahead for Asian economies, despite lingering global uncertainties.
CGTN reporter Cui Hui'ao interviews Diwakar Gupta (L), Vice President of the Asian Development Bank. /CGTN Photo
Where does the optimism come from? Many economists view Asia as the epicenter of the world economy, and the main driving force in the future. Compared with Europe and North America, which are both going through their own predicaments, Asia is now in a more authoritative position to offer its wisdom and solutions to this troubling world.
Indeed, Asian voices are now louder than ever. With big consumption and infrastructure markets, evidenced in the expanding middle class in economies like China and India, the growth engine seems unlikely to slow down, at least for a while.
But what does this Asian self-confidence have to do with me? As my parents remind me, this is not my first time in Boao (my first experience was as a tourist 17 years ago). But now reporting here as a journalist has allowed me to develop a vivid understanding of the so-called "Asian Davos" – how it has evolved into one of the most prominent gatherings in Asia, where thousands of policy makers, business tycoons, and scholars around the globe share their opinions on a shared future, for not only Asia, but the whole world.
Yes, pessimism may persist due to the global economy slowing down, but here in Boao, at least there is a voice saying, "hey, it's not all that bad" – which I think is a good message to take away from this tropical town.