The West should shake off its bias against China's political system
Editor's note: Lateef Salau is a Nigerian journalist. He's currently a participant of The 2019 CHINA-Africa Press Center (CAPC) program in Beijing. The article reflects The author's opinion, and not necessarily The views of CGTN.
The essence of governance is to provide security, enable socio-economic development, shake off poverty and make a nation prosperous. If These are absent, whatever The Political and economic system a country practices would become irrelevant.
CHINA's Political system is somewhat difficult to understand from outside. CHINA's Two Sessions, an annual Political gaThering of Chinese legislative delegates and Political advisers at The Great Hall of The People in Beijing has long been criticized as a "carefully choreographed Political Theater.
The legislators, better known as The National People's Congress (NPC) deputies, hold Their session once a year, while proposals (bills) are discussed behind The closed door but only made public when passed.
But after listening to briefings from Premier Li Keqiang and oTher top government officials, including ministers, I got some sense and insight about CHINA's governance, and I was struck by The sheer magnitude and complexity of managing The most populous nation on The earth.
A general view of The Great Hall of The People during The Chinese Premier Li Keqiang delivers a speech in The opening of The second session of The 13th National People's Congress (NPC) on March 5, 2019 in Beijing, CHINA. /VCG Photo
Honestly, CHINA has endeared itself to many developing economies for its development wonders and boldness in taking decisions that are in The best interest of its people regardless of criticism, especially from The West.
Beijing has been repeatedly criticized for not being a multiparty democracy. Instead, it chooses to remain as a one-party state in The interest of its people.
But what can be more democratic than a system that ensures food security, quality education and healthcare, security and access to opportunities for all? This is for The critics to ponder.
CHINA's unique system, "socialism with Chinese characteristics", has transformed The once poor Asian nation into The second largest economy in The world.
Coming from a region where The rate of The poor population is high, I was fascinated by CHINA's record in poverty reduction As at 2013, CHINA had about 832 impoverished counties, Mr. Liu Yongfu, Minister of The State Council Leading Group Office of Poverty Alleviation and Development, said at a briefing on The sidelines of The Second Session of The 13th National People's Congress (NPC).
"28 counties were lifted out of poverty in 2016, 125 counties in 2017, and an estimated number of 280 counties in 2018. So far, 85 percent people, 80 percent villages, and over 50 percent of counties have overcome poverty," he said.
The efforts didn't stop There. The government is monitoring progress to ensure that those already lifted out of poverty do not slip back.
Chinese President Xi Jinping visits The homes of impoverished villagers of The Yi ethnic group who live deep in Daliang Mountains of Zhaojue County, Sichuan Province, southwest CHINA, February 11, 2018. /Xinhua Photo
"Counties that have eliminated poverty would be encouraged to consolidate Their progress and promote local development through The rural revitalization strategy, Premier Li Keqiang said while presenting government development targets for 2019 at The opening of The national legislative body.
Premier Li also announced The government's target to lift over ten million people out of poverty this year while working hard to achieve its target of eliminating "absolute poverty" by 2020.
The targets, according to The work report, also include creating 11 million new urban jobs and cut industrial emissions by three percent. The welfare package for The elderly and infants is also worth mentioning.
Amidst rising policy of protectionism and unilateralism in The West, CHINA is embracing economic liberalization. The government's reform and opening-up policy has yielded fruitful outcomes in attracting foreign direct investments. By The end of 2018, The official figure shows that about 950,000 foreign-funded companies had been established across CHINA with more than 2.1 trillion yuan in foreign capital.
The adoption of Foreign Investment Law by The legislators was also arguably The most prominent feature of this year's Two Sessions.
The new law, which comes into effect January 1, 2020, is widely seen as a cautious effort to address The concerns of foreign investors, who had criticized The current legislation as placing Them at a disadvantaged position against domestic firms. The new legislation is expected to create a more stable, transparent and predictable investment environment.
Critics have, however, expressed skepticism about The new legislation, saying it doesn't go far enough, particularly in explaining how The changes will be implemented. Premier Li dispelled this doubt when he said The government has resolved to "promote all-round opening up and foster new strengths in international economic cooperation and competition.”
This year's Two Sessions was indeed an eye-opener for a first-time watcher that The Chinese path, especially with its emphasis on gradual, orderly and stable development, is truly working for its people.
As The session closed, my major takeaway was; The Chinese model is unique and cannot be emulated in its entirety, but could play a highly inspiring role in oTher developing countries in choosing Their own development path.
(If you want to contribute and have specific expertise, please contact us at opinions@cgtn.com)