1 killed, 10 injured in 2 Afghan explosions
KABUL, March 17 (XIndex.html" target="_blank">Inhua) -- One child was Index.html" target="_blank">Index.html" target="_blank">killed and 10 people were wounded Index.html" target="_blank">In two separate explosions Index.html" target="_blank">In Afghanistan on Sunday, authorities said.
Index.html" target="_blank">In one Index.html" target="_blank">Incident, five civilians, Index.html" target="_blank">IncludIndex.html" target="_blank">Ing a woman, were wounded after a sticky improvised explosive device (IED) attached to a sedan was detonated at a maIndex.html" target="_blank">In traffic circle Index.html" target="_blank">In Pul-e-Khumir city, capital of northern Baghlan provIndex.html" target="_blank">Ince on midday, provIndex.html" target="_blank">Incial public health official, Anwar Wardak, told XIndex.html" target="_blank">Inhua.
Four seriously wounded people will be shifted to neighborIndex.html" target="_blank">Ing Kunduz provIndex.html" target="_blank">Ince for Index.html" target="_blank">Intensive medical care, he said.
Index.html" target="_blank">In eastern Nangarhar provIndex.html" target="_blank">Ince, one child was Index.html" target="_blank">Index.html" target="_blank">killed and one civilian and four local pro-government tribal militias, known as local uprisIndex.html" target="_blank">Ing fighters, were Index.html" target="_blank">Injured when an IED was detonated near a shrIndex.html" target="_blank">Ine Index.html" target="_blank">In Khogyani district earlier Index.html" target="_blank">In the day, provIndex.html" target="_blank">Incial government spokesman Attahullah Khogyani told XIndex.html" target="_blank">Inhua.
The Index.html" target="_blank">Injured were shifted to a hospital Index.html" target="_blank">In Jalalabad city, he said.
The officials blamed the enemies of peace, referrIndex.html" target="_blank">Ing to the Taliban militant group, for the attack.
More than 3,800 civilians were Index.html" target="_blank">Index.html" target="_blank">killed and over 7,180 others were Index.html" target="_blank">Injured Index.html" target="_blank">In conflict-related Index.html" target="_blank">Incidents Index.html" target="_blank">In 2018 Index.html" target="_blank">In the war-torn country, accordIndex.html" target="_blank">Ing to the United Nations mission's figures.