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Registration now open for Disrupt San Francisco 2019


2019-03-11 17:04

It’s time to saddle up and ride, startup fans. Registration for Disrupt-sf-2019/tickets">Disrupt San Francisco 2019 is officially up, running and open for business. TechCrunch’s flagship event — focused on early-stage tech startups — takes place onDisrupt-sf-2019/tickets"> October 2-4 at Moscone North Convention Center, and 10,000+ people are expected to attend.

We also believe in rewarding action with savings. Disrupt-sf-2019/tickets">Register now and you’ll receive the super early-bird pass prices on all four pass levels — Innovator, Founder, Investor, Expo — and on the Startup Alley Exhibitor Package, too. Pricing starts at $145 and, depending on which option you select, you could Disrupt-sf-2019/tickets">save up to $1,800.

It doesn’t matter whether you’re a founder, investor, hacker, marketer or tech leader. Disrupt has plenty to offer startuppers of every stripe. It’s tough to beat Startup Battlefield, the renowned pitch competition, for pure excitement. Only the best startups get to compete head-to-head and vie for investor and media attention, the coveted Disrupt Cup and — crikey — $100,000 in equity free cash. Think your startup has what it takes to make the cut? Apply to compete in Startup Battlefield right here.

Head over to the Startup Alley exhibition hall and explore hundreds of early-stage startups demonstrating the latest innovative tech and a boat-load of talent. Or Disrupt-sf-2019/startup-alley">buy a Startup Alley Exhibition package and place your startup in front of thousands of attendees — including hundreds of media outlets and eager investors.

Startup Alley is also where you’ll find Disrupt-sf-2018/">TC Top Picks. In an intensely curated process, TechCrunch editors will comb through hundreds of applications to find up to five outstanding startups in each of these tracks: Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning, BioTech/HealthTech, Blockchain, FinTech, Mobility, Privacy/Security, Retail/eCommerce, Robotics/IoT/Hardware, SaaS, and Social Impact Education.

All TC Top Picks receive a free Startup Alley Exhibition package, prime exhibiting space in Startup Alley and the VIP treatment during the show. The competition is fierce, but you have nothing to lose. Why not toss your founder’s hat in the ring? Apply right here.

Looking to connect with people who can help you move your startup, investment portfolio or career to the next level? Disrupt is networking nirvana. There’s even a free tool — CrunchMatch — to help you connect with the right people based on specific mutual criteria, goals and interests. It’s curated, automated, efficient and effective.

There’s lots more to share with you in the coming weeks — like speakers, panels, workshops, QA sessions, sponsored hackathon contests and more — so keep checking back for updates.

Disrupt-sf-2019/">Disrupt San Francisco 2019 takes place on October 2-4. Registration is open, and now’s the time to score the best savings on Disrupt passes. Don’t spend more — act now and save. Disrupt-sf-2019/tickets">Buy your tickets right here.

Is your company interested in sponsoring or exhibiting at Disrupt SF? Contact our sponsorship sales team by filling out this form.