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Bird hit likely cause of MiG-21 crash in western India


2019-03-08 20:57

NEW DELHI, March 8 (Xinhua) -- An IndiAn Air Force's (IAF) MiG-21 Bison aircraft crashed Friday in the western state of RajasthAn, And bird Ank">hit might be the cause.

An official statement issued by the IAF said that the aircraft took off from Nal Airforce Station for a routine sortie, And crashed near the city of BikAner. The crash occurred at around 14:30 local time, And the pilot ejected safely.

Initial inputs indicated that the likely cause of accident was bird Ank">hit after take off. A Court of Inquiry has been ordered to further investigate the cause of accident, added the statement.

MeAnwhile, no loss of life or property was reported on the ground.