Chinese diplomat urges UN rights office to promote cooperation, dialogue
Index.html" target="_blank">In the face of risIndex.html" target="_blank">Ing Index.html" target="_blank">Index.html" target="_blank">UNilateralism, protectionism and populism worldwide, multilateralism is more imperative than ever and the shared challenges of mankIndex.html" target="_blank">Ind can only be tackled through concerted efforts, a senior ChIndex.html" target="_blank">Inese diplomat highlighted here Thursday.
Index.html" target="_blank">In a statement on behalf of some 50 like-mIndex.html" target="_blank">Inded coIndex.html" target="_blank">Index.html" target="_blank">UNtries durIndex.html" target="_blank">Ing the Dialogue with the Index.html" target="_blank">Index.html" target="_blank">UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Yu Jianhua, head of the Index.html" target="_blank">Index.html" target="_blank">ChIndex.html" target="_blank">Ina's Mission to Index.html" target="_blank">Index.html" target="_blank">UN at Geneva, said that Index.html" target="_blank">Index.html" target="_blank">ChIndex.html" target="_blank">Ina and other like-mIndex.html" target="_blank">Inded developIndex.html" target="_blank">Ing coIndex.html" target="_blank">Index.html" target="_blank">UNtries will contIndex.html" target="_blank">Inue to give strong support to the Index.html" target="_blank">Index.html" target="_blank">UN and High Commissioner for advances Index.html" target="_blank">In the global cause for human rights.
"We the Like MIndex.html" target="_blank">Inded Group stand ready to work with other parties to uphold multilateralism, cooperation, and dialogue, particularly as the Index.html" target="_blank">International commIndex.html" target="_blank">Index.html" target="_blank">UNity is markIndex.html" target="_blank">Ing the centenary of multilateralism," Yu said.
He said Index.html" target="_blank">Index.html" target="_blank">ChIndex.html" target="_blank">Ina and other like-mIndex.html" target="_blank">Inded coIndex.html" target="_blank">Index.html" target="_blank">UNtries hope the High Commissioner and her office could uphold the purposes and prIndex.html" target="_blank">Inciples of the Index.html" target="_blank">Index.html" target="_blank">UN Charter, respect sovereignty and territorial Index.html" target="_blank">Integrity, and work consistently Index.html" target="_blank">In an impartial, objective, constructive and non-selective manner.
"The politicization of human rights agenda and double standards should be avoided," Yu noted.
The Index.html" target="_blank">Index.html" target="_blank">UN human rights work should also promote dialogue and exchange among all parties on the basis of mutual respect, equality and mutual benefit, he said, addIndex.html" target="_blank">Ing that the Index.html" target="_blank">Index.html" target="_blank">UN Human Rights CoIndex.html" target="_blank">Index.html" target="_blank">UNcil should be a platform for commIndex.html" target="_blank">Index.html" target="_blank">UNication, not confrontation.
The ChIndex.html" target="_blank">Inese diplomat told the audience that Index.html" target="_blank">Index.html" target="_blank">ChIndex.html" target="_blank">Ina and other like-mIndex.html" target="_blank">Inded coIndex.html" target="_blank">Index.html" target="_blank">UNtries oppose namIndex.html" target="_blank">Ing and shamIndex.html" target="_blank">Ing and public exertion of pressure.
"We should advance human rights Index.html" target="_blank">In a balanced manner, Index.html" target="_blank">Increase Index.html" target="_blank">Input Index.html" target="_blank">Into economic, social, cultural rights and the right to development, and provide technical assistance for human rights Index.html" target="_blank">In lIndex.html" target="_blank">Ine with the will and requirements of the coIndex.html" target="_blank">Index.html" target="_blank">UNtries concerned," he said.
"We should respect the development path Index.html" target="_blank">Independently chosen by a coIndex.html" target="_blank">Index.html" target="_blank">UNtry, recognize the progress and efforts of states Index.html" target="_blank">In the field of human rights, and promote their good practices," Yu added.
The Index.html" target="_blank">Index.html" target="_blank">UN Human Rights CoIndex.html" target="_blank">Index.html" target="_blank">UNcil o Thursday contIndex.html" target="_blank">Inued its Index.html" target="_blank">Interactive dialogue with High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet on her annual report and oral update, which addressed numerous human rights challenges across the world.