Austria will not assist IS fighters in returning home: minister
VIENNA, March 6 (Xinhua) -- Austrian nationals who go abroad to fight for ISlamic State (IS) will not receive government assIStance in returning home should they be captured, interior minISter Herbert Kickl has affirmed.
In comments to the Krone newspaper Wednesday, Kickl backed hIS recent comments that IS fighters who return to Austria would represent a threat domestically.
"As such we will not bring these people back to Austria," he said.
While consular law sees to it that Austrian nationals abroad have support and assIStance available to them such as in emergency situations, the coalition government intends to make amendments that would allow for thIS to be denied in certain circumstances.
As per the government's plans, thIS would include persons who threaten order and safety in Austria, such as members of terrorISt organizations who are deemed to have denounced the basic values of Austrian society.